Percussive Dynamic Massage

Total Therapy

“Stimulating Reflex technique to correct blood vessels and tissue layers by percussive dynamic action and vacuum therapy “, or Percussive Dynamic Massage.

This technique allows to successfully fight various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, infertility and impotency.

It has shown positive results in treating polyarthritis, arthritis, extensive sclerosis, osteochondrosis, skin diseases, urogenital, cardiovascular, severe chronic neuralgic diseases, post-stroke conditions.

This technique is successfully used by a number of doctors and healers in Russia and other countries.

Percussive Dynamic Massage is a technique used in treating patients with acute and chronic diseases of internal organs, circulatory, nervous and musculoskeletal system. Part of the process is making a diagnosis and identifying painful areas and areas with adhesions by applying deep pressure to the body with hands.

Treatment works by creating deep warming and vibration impact on tissues, vessels, ligaments and muscles. Percussive Dynamic Massage activates blood circulation, lymph flow, movement of all the fluid in the body, relieves muscle spasms and restores innervation.

Theoretical foundation

Most diseases begin with repeated local vascular and metabolic disorders caused by extreme and repetitive stimuli of the stress-sensitive intercellular receptors.

Stress factors

heat, cold, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, fluctuations in the geomagnetic field, injuries, microbes, fatigue, and psycho-emotional stress.

Long-term muscular spasm causes ischemia (insufficient arterial blood supply) of tissue.

The accompanying tissue acidosis (acidification) and the accumulating products of intercellular metabolism lead to pain.

The resulting tissue hypoxia leads to interstitial edema which causes myofascial pain syndrome. Moreover, the accumulating in tissues biologically active substances (BAS), kinin in particular, significantly increase the pain. Also, long-term build-up of biologically active substances (BAS) can cause inflammation of skeletal tissues. Tissues with insufficient blood supply become a source of cytokinins.

Congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues encompasses most diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with disruption of hemodynamics, some of which can lead to dystrophic changes in the spine and upper and lower limbs joints. As far as the clinical picture goes, such diseases are seen as muscular pain syndromes, compression- ischemic neuropathies of sciatic, tibial and peroneal nerves, tarsal tunnel syndrome, Morton’s neuroma, stenosolia, obliterating endarteritis, arthrosis, posttraumatic changes in the joints, etc.

Manual percussion + vacuum work by loosening coarse, dense conglomerates of tissue formations and rupturing their macro- and micromolecular bonds which occurs due to local metabolic micro explosions, i.e. sudden releases of numerous mediators and hormones (histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, bradykinin, kinins, etc.) and nitric oxide synthases. Phagocytosis is activated. Interaction of inflammatory infiltrate cells (macrophage- lymphocyte) triggers a response from immune system.

Disrupted hemodynamics is restored to normal and cellular components of tissue, such as fibroblasts and macrophages, being the main participants of the regenerative-reparative reaction in the injured area, are activated.


Acute and chronic diseases:

  •  Of musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, joints, pain, tissues, and other,
  •  gastrointestinal tract,
  •  circulatory system,
  •  pulmonary diseases,
  •  nervous system,
  •  infertility, impotency.

Percussive Dynamic Massage helps to:

  1.  Restore functions of the nervous system.
  2.  Improve blood flow and tidal lymph.
  3.  Activate local metabolism.
  4.  Excrete acid metabolites and other substances that cause pain.
  5.  Reduce spasm of local blood vessels.
  6. Eliminate symptoms of peripheral nerve compression.
  7. Lower high blood pressure.
  8. Reduce the pH of arterial blood.
  9.  Activate tissue oxygenation.
  10.  Recover and increase physical and mental performance.
  11.  Eliminate pain with radiculitis, myositis, osteochondrosis, etc.
  12.  Strengthen urinary function of the kidneys and urinary excretion of various salts.
  13.  Relieve pain by releasing endogenous opiates and serotonin.
  14. Stimulate extravasates (biologically active substances that stimulate the adaptive and trophic function).
  15. Restore internal organs.

Massage procedure

Percussive Dynamic Massage begins with a diagnosis by applying light strokes, manual percussion to the surface of the skin and by applying pressure with hands in order to identify painful areas and adhesions.


Recovery of an organ with functional disorders is determined by the disappearance of red hematomas in the course of further treatments. As a rule, recovery occurs after 3-5-10-15 massage sessions. (Depending on the condition).

What to expect

Percussive Dynamic Massage is a very effective, but somewhat painful procedure. Red hematomas will appear on the skin after the massage, however they will completely disappear within 3-5 days.

It is especially beneficial for disease prevention and health maintenance.