Vacuum Therapy (cupping)

What is it?

Vacuum Therapy is a scientifically proven method of applying a low-dosed vacuum to
the microcirculation system of body tissue.

How does it work?

Vacuum Therapy works on abnormal tissue over three interrelated phases. Each phase is defined by a different reaction of the tissue.

Phase 1: Metabolic “microburst” of the tissue (the first 5 treatments)

Phase 2: Therapeutic (approximately between the 6th and 13th treatments)

Phase 3: Reconstructive and regenerative (subsequent treatments)

The first phase leads to a so-called metabolic “microburst” of the tissue, caused by a release of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators and hormones, as well as the biologically active substrates (heparin, histamine, prostaglandins and cytokines).

As a result, the stimulation of nitric oxide synthesis with micro-vessels on the endothelium (organ lining) improves vascular tone, opens up small arteries, pre-capillaries and venules (small veins) and increases the number of functioning capillaries. This contributes to the rise of the localised temperatures within the tissue by 3-5 degrees Celcius.

At the same time, the surrounding tissue layers, bundles of myofibrils (muscle threads) and elements of connective tissue (collagen and elastic fibres) loosen. Their viscosity decreases leading to better fluidity and active drainage.

How will my skin look and feel afterwards?

During the first and second phases spots may appear in the areas where muscles sustain mainly large static loads and where the tendons are attached to bones. Appearance of the spots is almost always accompanied by some pain.

Red spots with punctuated hemorrhages indicate superficial changes in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and fatty tissue, surface layers of muscles.

Dark purple spots with a bluish-purple tint are a sign of intense congestion in the deep tissue.
Itching may occur, which is caused by an excess of toxic metabolites (intermediate products of metabolism) that accumulate in the body, as a result of metabolic disturbance and disorders of the excretory tract.

By the third phase when the tissue is fully regenerated, there might be a slight reddening of the skin, which disappears after about 5-10 minutes.

What are the benefits?

Deep tissue massage, restoring of blood circulation and lymph circulation, plus better tissue-localised immunity.

Deep massage of subcutaneous tissue, blood purification, forming of new blood vessels and capillary channels, splitting of sclerosed (hardened) layers, improvement and recovery of skin respiration and the depletion of fat cells.

Reduction of fat deposits, improved intensity of fat breakdown, strengthening and regeneration of the skin, increased skin elasticity.

A shift of congestive processes in the deep tissue, normalisation of the regulatory and metabolic processes, clearing of metabolic products and toxins, improvement of fluid circulation, increased oxygenation, improved tissue self-purification processes.

Deep massage of the muscles, ligaments and other tissue structures that stimulates nerve endings, capillaries and large vessels.

What is Vacuum Therapy good for?

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, back pain, arthritis, scoliosis.

Neurological disorders and cardiovascular diseases: neuritis and neuralgia, headaches and insomnia, neurosis, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, psycho-emotional stress, endarteritis, cerebral circulatory insufficiency.
Internal illnesses: chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, bronchical asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, peptic and duodenal ulcer.

Urology and gynecology: erectile dysfunction, enuresis, ischuria, congestion and inflammatory processes in the urogenital tract.

Dermatology: neurodermatitis, urticaria, chronic furunculosis, dermatitis.

Skin care: premature skin ageing, cellulite.

How many treatments are required?

Typically, a Vacuum Therapy course requires 7-11 treatments. For specific diseases or situations, the treatment will be tailored individually to your situation. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after one month. For prevention purposes it is recommended to have up to 4 treatments per month or up to 4 courses of therapy per year.