Abdominal Massage and Visceral Therapy

What is it?

Abdominal massage is the practice of applying manual pressure to internal organs through the anterior abdominal wall. This helps to bring the metabolic processes back to normal, to settle spasms, to reduce inflammation and swelling of the internal organs and to eliminate the venous and lymphatic stasis.
During the abdominal massage, fluctuation of blood pressure occurs in the area of application so blood vessels and capillaries start to work more efficiently. As a result, the blood flow increases significantly in the abdominal area, which in turn improves the blood and lymphatic circulation throughout the whole body.

Abdominal massage can assist muscle relaxation after long periods of running, sitting down, etc. It helps to eliminate back pain and to fight insomnia. It is also very useful for people who wish to reduce their body weight, tighten their abdominal muscles and/or get rid of a “prune belly”.
The location of the pelvic bones is also extremely important: their vertical axis dislocation may lead to the whole body centre-of-gravity shift, twisting of the body and subsequent abnormalities in the anatomical shape of the skeleton and internal organs, which in turn may become a cause of multiple illnesses.

The number of massage sessions for full health resumption may vary, depending on the level of abnormal changes in the body. Generally, we would recommend our clients to attend from 3 to 10 sessions. The length of the first session is usually up to 1.5 hours, the consecutive sessions may take between half and 1 hour each. Abdominal massage can be recommended to people of all ages, including children and babies.

Why do we need it?

Stresses are linked to blood thickening and microcapillary disorders. This, in turn, brings on metabolic disorders, dysfunctional internal organs, venous and lymphatic stasis (inactivity) and a decrease in immunity. All this results in acidification and self-poisoning of the body due to insufficient oxygen and nutrients delivery, venous and lymphatic stasis (inactivity), poor outflow of metabolic waste and an increase of bacterial risk.
The human body is a biological object. If the blood and lymph flow is poor, the body becomes a host to all sorts of parasites such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. All internal organs are functionally and neuro-reflectory linked to the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, a dysfunction of any given organ triggers the dysfunction of related muscles – and any compensatory functioning by any other organ results in overexertion of the same muscles on the other side of the body.

The common complications of this would be numerous locomotor system disorders, such as scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, joint arthrosis, radiculitis, sciatica, etc. On the other hand, when strained and painful muscles press on the nerve ends and blood vessels, the result is dysfunction and deficiency i.e. the muscle strain exacerbates pathological processes in organs and tissues.

The best example is the neck. A kidney dysfunction may result in the muscle spasm, devascularization and, subsequently, pain and hardening of the collar bone muscles. Depending on the level of spasm, it may be followed by deterioration of vision, deafness, tooth loss, nasal pharynx, cardiac or thyroid gland malfunction, problems with upper extremities, degenerative disc disease or intervertebral disk hernia.